StartOut and J.P. Morgan Announce New Cohort of LGBTQ+ Owned Companies in Growth Lab Accelerator


LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs have long been catalysts for innovation and champions of inclusivity within the business world. Their creativity, resilience, and unique perspectives have not only driven economic growth but have also paved the way for greater acceptance and diversity in entrepreneurship.

18 January 2023, StartOut, a leading nonprofit organization supporting LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs, has joined forces with J.P. Morgan to announce the launch of a new cohort in their esteemed Growth Lab accelerator program. This six-month program aims to provide a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ owned businesses, empowering them with the necessary tools, mentorship, and resources to thrive in the competitive business landscape. With a commitment to fostering diversity and inclusivity in entrepreneurship, StartOut and J.P. Morgan are taking a bold step towards creating opportunities and breaking barriers for LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs.

The Growth Lab accelerator is a testament to the joint effort of StartOut and J.P. Morgan in championing LGBTQ+ entrepreneurship. The program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to address the specific needs and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ business owners. It provides a platform for participants to connect, collaborate, and learn from industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and mentors who have traversed similar paths.

The newly welcomed cohort of ten high-performing LGBTQ+ owned companies can expect an immersive and transformative experience during their time in the Growth Lab accelerator. The program encompasses a range of activities, including workshops, masterclasses, one-on-one mentoring sessions, and networking events. These opportunities will enable participants to refine their business strategies, enhance their leadership skills, and build a strong support network within the LGBTQ+ entrepreneurial community.

Participants in the Growth Lab accelerator gain access to a wealth of resources that can catapult their businesses to new heights. The program offers guidance on scaling operations, refining marketing strategies, accessing funding opportunities, and optimizing financial management. Additionally, entrepreneurs can leverage the extensive network of industry professionals and potential investors associated with StartOut and J.P. Morgan.

By providing a dedicated platform for LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs, StartOut and J.P. Morgan are actively promoting inclusivity and diversity in the business world. LGBTQ+ business owners often face unique challenges and barriers, such as limited access to capital, discrimination, and lack of visibility. The Growth Lab accelerator seeks to address these challenges by fostering an environment that celebrates the diversity of ideas, perspectives, and experiences within the LGBTQ+ community.

The Growth Lab accelerator has a proven track record of supporting LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs and driving their success. Past cohorts have achieved remarkable milestones, securing funding, expanding their customer base, and making significant strides in their respective industries. These success stories serve as inspiration for aspiring LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs and demonstrate the immense potential within the community.

StartOut and J.P. Morgan’s commitment to empowering LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs extends beyond the Growth Lab accelerator. They continue to advocate for LGBTQ+ representation and equal opportunities in entrepreneurship, working towards a future where diversity and inclusion are the norm.

The collaboration between StartOut and J.P. Morgan in launching the new cohort of the Growth Lab accelerator reaffirms their dedication to supporting LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs. Through this transformative program, LGBTQ+ business owners gain the tools, knowledge, and connections necessary to thrive in today’s competitive business landscape. By championing inclusivity and diversity, StartOut and J.P. Morgan are paving the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future for LGBTQ+ entrepreneurship.

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